Thursday, September 11, 2014

It's Time for Your Flu Shot!

We have the following flu shot clinics available to make getting your vaccine more convenient.  Please call to schedule a day to come in (873-3753 or 622-2700):


Tuesday October 7th
Tuesday October 21st


Thursday October 9th
Wednesday October 22nd


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Spring is finally here, and with it comes the re-emergence of deer ticks and thus Lyme Disease.

Lyme disease is preventable. Maine CDC recommends following the “No Ticks 4 ME” approach which includes:

  • Wear protective clothing
  • Use insect repellent
  • Perform daily tick checks
  • Use caution in tick habitats
  • Ticks must be attached for 24-48 hours before the bacteria can be transmitted, so prompt removal of ticks is extremely important. 
  • Anyone with a known tick bite or who has been in a tick habitat should watch for symptoms for at least 30 days after the exposure. If symptoms develop, call your physician.
  • The most common early symptom of Lyme disease is an expanding red rash (erythema migrans) that occurs 3-30 days after being bitten. Fever, joint and muscle pains may also occur.  
Prophylaxis after a tick bite is not routinely recommended, but can be considered under specific circumstances (tick has been identified as an engorged deer tick that has been attached for over 24 hours, and prophylaxis can be started within 72 hours. 
  • Even if prophylaxis is used, monitoring for symptoms for 30 days is recommended. 
 Check out the Maine CDC website at for more information.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year from the family at Three Rivers!

The offices will be closed Monday January 20 to observe MLK Day. 

The New Year is a common time for renewed commitment to health and weight loss.

It is recommended we engage in moderate physical activity for at least 150 min per week.  Even 10 minute periods of exercise such as taking the stairs or walking add up and have been shown to be beneficial.  So take the stairs, park your car a little further away, join a local gym, take a dance class, go walking with a friend, or snowshoe on a local wilderness trail.

Healthy eating is also important to maintain a healthy weight.  Eat a minimum of 5 fruits and vegetables daily by having a garden salad before your meal.  Keep cleaned and cut  raw vegetables ready for snacking in your fridge, grab them when you get a snack attack and crunch on them along with your lunch instead of chips.  They also make a great snack when paired with a protein such as hummus, cheese, nuts, or almond butter (try walnuts if you are trying to lower your cholesterol).  Avoid beverages sweetened with sugar, which only add empty calories to your diet.  Flavor your water with lemon or orange slices, or add fresh mint, cucumber and lime juice for a refreshing alternative to soda.  Prefer something warm?  Green tea can help boost your metabolism and fill your stomach if you drink it prior to your meals (talk to your provider first if you take warfarin).  Also try to choose whole grains whenever possible.  Switch your Minute Rice for brown rice or even try quinoa, trade your white bread for 100% whole wheat (make sure you read your bread label-not all wheat bread is created equal), or try a low carb wrap instead of bread (I like Joseph's brand).

You'll be amazed how much better you feel when you move more and clean up your diet, even if you don't need to lose weight.  Your providers look forward to answering your questions and helping to guide you to better health!
for mHaps)